Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Walnut Caterpillars

FYI - Over the past couple days while on a north TX trip I received a few calls concerning a major outbreak of walnut caterpillars in DeWitt county. This insect has a tremendous appetite and if enough colonies are in a tree, they can literally strip the foliage of a tree in a few days. Walnut caterpillars feed in colonies and do not construct webs. When they molt they will molt in a group, usually on the trunk or a main scaffold limb. I have attached a picture of a small colony on a pecan branch to help you ID the insect. If anyone sees or hears about this in your county I would like to hear about it so we can determine the range of the out break.
Thank you for your assistance.
Bill Ree
Extension Program Specialist II - IPM (Pecan)
P.O. Box 2150
Bryan, TX 77806-2150
Ph: 979-845-6800

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