Saturday, April 5, 2008

Third day!

This is day number three. Our Grancie Graybeard (Old Man's
Beard) is in full bloom as seen here.


Keith said...

I guess bamboo is a renewable/sustainable wood product!

Is Grancie Graybeard the same as Chinese Fringe Tree?

Cherokee Master Gardeners said...

No. Chinese Fringe tree is a commone name for Loropetulum.
Grancie Graybeard is a native found in the woods around East Texas and elsewhere.

usda8aahs8/9 said...

Common names do this to us. The same one is often used for two or three plants. Some times you will see grancy graybeard as white fringe tree. I have heard Chinese as well. Best I recall Chionanthus virginicus is our grancy graybeard. A plant with more showy white petals is most often called Chinese fringe tree. I believe it to be Chionanthus retusus. Loropetulum is most often commonly called Chinese fringe plant. I think common names are fun. Science has no place for them Common Joe

Cherokee Master Gardeners said...

Neil Sperry's Landscape Plants for Texas calls Loropetalum --- Fringe Flower. The U.S. National Arboretum also uses Chinese Fringe-flower.


Keith said...

Will anyone have the Grancie Graybeard available at the plant sale?